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验厂知识 专题Audit knowledge Project

Wolverine 渥弗林人权审核清单

Evaluation Document List 評估文件清單 

Labour 劳工部分: 
1. The update local laws, e.g. minimum wage, social insurance policy, etc. 政府最新文件,如:最低工资、社会保险的规定、综合计时审批记录等    
2. Handbook(including Factory rules and regulations, e.g. employees performance evaluation system, rewards and punishments policy, salary and welfare policy, resignation procedure etc. ) 员工手册(包括厂规、厂纪、如:对员工表现的评估系统,工厂的奖惩制度,工资制度,员工福利,解除合同的程序等) 
3. Recruitment material such as recruitment policy, advertisements, hiring practice description. 招聘制度、招工广告、招工过程描述 
4. Orientation/training provided to new comers including factory organization, history, policies, regulations, systems, health, safety & environmental regulation, etc. 新员工的培训记录,如:对工厂的介绍、厂规厂纪、健康安全环保的规定、注意事项等 
5. Worker personal file: new employee application form, employee I/D card copy and supporting document, leave request form for all kinds of leave, disciplinary record, e.g. warning letter, resignation record. 员工个人档案:新员工申请表,员工身份证复印件及相关文件,各种请假申请表,奖惩记录,警告信,辞工记录 
6. Labour contract 劳动合同 
7. Juvenile workers’ record, e.g. list of juvenile workers, tracking system 未成年工的记录,例如:未成年工名单,体检记录等 
8. Time card record, payrolls , pay slip and OT approval list/record with workers’ signature of last six months 最近六个月的考勤记录、工资表、工资单,自愿加班纪录 
9. Social insurance record/invoice. 社会保险记录或缴费收据 
10. Factory organization chart and floor plan 工厂组织架构图和厂房平面图 
11. Factory Business License 营业执照 
12. Tax Registration Certificate 税务登记证 (国税地税) 
13. Organization Code Certificate 组织机构代码证 
14. Housing Fund Contribution Registration 公积金证明书 
15. Trade Union Legal Person Certificate 工会法人证 

Health & Safety 职业健康及安全: 
1. First aid training certificate & relevant training record. 急救培训证书及相关培训记录 
2. Accident/incident log and investigation 工伤纪录和事故调查表 
3. 最新健康安全法规&工厂内部健康安全政策 
4. Emergency preparation program, e.g. floor plan for evacuation, evacuation plan & fire drill record 应急程序,如:全厂各区域的疏散平面图、疏散演习计划及相关记录(包括工厂和宿舍消防演习两套纪录) 
5. Monthly in-house inspection record for fire extinguishers, emergency lights, fire alarms, smoke detectors, sprinkler systems 灭火器、应急灯、消防警铃、烟雾感应器、自动洒水系统的内部月检查记录,消防警铃的颜色和使用方法 
6. Elevator, generator, boiler, pressure vessel certificate & inspection record 电梯、发电机、锅炉、压力容器等使用证书及定期检验记录 
7. Certificate for kitchen & kitchen staff medical checkup record & certificate 食堂卫生许可证、食堂工作人员的健康证 
8. Certificate or license for electrician, boiler controller, forklift controller, elevator operator, etc. 特殊工种员工上岗证,如:电工,锅炉操作工,叉车工,电梯操作工等 
9. List of chemicals in use, chemicals MSDS/CSDS 工厂使用的化学品清单及其 MSDS/CSDS 
10. Anti-fire permit 消防验收 
11. Building Construction Review Certificate 建筑竣工验收报告 
12. Property Ownership Certificate 房产证 
13. Industrial Hygiene Impact Assessment and Approval 职业病危害预评价报告 
14. Annual occupational health check (年度职业病体检报告) 
15. Safety Assessment Report and Approval 安全评价(个别工厂需要) 
16. Environment Impact Assessment and Approval 环境评估报告 
17. The completion acceptance report of Environmental Engineering 环境工程竣工验收报告 
18. Pollutants Discharge Permit 污染物排放许可证 
19. Hazardous waste disposal contract and records ( 危险废弃物处理合同及联单 ) 
20. Road transport business license 道路运输经营许可证 
21. Incinerator Operation Permit 焚化炉(个别工厂需要) 
22. Boiler Operation Permit 锅炉相关证明 
23. Crane Operation Permit 吊车相关证明 
24. Pressure Vessel Operation Permit 压力容器相关证明 
25. Elevator Operation Permit 电梯相关证明 
26. Operation Permit for Clinic 诊所执业证 (增加医生及护士执照) 
27. Annual air quality, noise and dust testing report ( 年度空气,噪音及粉尘品质检测报告) 
28. Annual drinking water quality report ( 年度饮用水品质检测报告 ) 
29. PPE matrix 个人劳保用品岗位佩戴明细表